


On October 1st, 2020, some of the world’s most renowned longevity exports gathered in the beautiful ski resort of San Mortiz, Switzerland. They were there for the Longevity Investors Conference to speak before an audience of potential financial investors. 

Longevity is primed to be the next massive investment opportunity, with conference co-host Marc Bernegger saying . . .

Longevity will become one of the largest investment opportunities in the coming decades. It will disrupt not only the healthcare system, but society and the economy in general. Longevity is a topic that moves investors. Besides making a nice profit, they share an interest in staying healthy and living longer.

A key speaker at the conference, Aubrey De Grey, stated that latest innovations in cell repair are capable of transforming a 70-year old into the biological equivalent of a 40 year old. The only thing impeding such progress, De Grey, who created the SENS Research Center in California, claimed, was the amount of funding. 

The Longevity Investors Conference was designed to address that need. The enthusiastic reception that the speakers received from the investors portends positive outcomes. Lengthening healthspan may be imminent, but only if it is sufficiently funded in the coming years. That remains to be seen.

Introduction to Longevity Medicine

What you’ll learn

  • The emerging discipline of longevity medicine.
  • The recent clinical efforts and applications in aging and longevity.
  • The role of aging in a variety of diseases.
  • The underlying mechanisms of aging and longevity.
  • The emerging science of aging clocks and deep aging clocks.
  • Geroprotectors and the potential longevity interventions.
  • The role of motivation and mindset in aging and longevity.
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Sign up for Udemy’s course here: https://www.udemy.com/course/introduction-to-longevity-medicine/

* Lonevity.Science or Maya have no affiliation with this course. We recommend it because it a resource we think readers of this site may enjoy.


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